METAL SLURI HAS JOINED THE FRAY! And he brought with him… kind of a giant plot dump. Okay, in case anyone’s getting lost, here are some extra-special *story notes* –
- You should remember the King and Kelly! They’ve been around since the very first strip.
- …but just about everyone serving the King does not realize he has kidnapped Kelly. Or that her kidnapping incited the war with Kevin.
- Just about everyone.
- Sluri ditched out on her mage training and left her home world to escape anti-slime prejudice. Alloy did the same thing and was apparently corrupted by the allure of evil magics. People are still talking about it!
- Rog does not in fact have hands.
(Fun fact: the character Alloy has actually shown up once before this story! If anyone is actually able to locate that strip, they will receive a tremendous internet high-five from yours truly.)
Twice actually. 😛