Filleriz Navidad

Happy Christmas, guys! Holiday travels are keeping me a tad busy at the moment, so regular comics are on hold until Monday. But fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day a goofy animated GIF! It has 2 whole frames of animation, which is probably as good as 2 whole comics, right? It is a gift that will keep on giving.

Have a good one.
– CC

P.S. this is completely unrelated to today’s comic, which is a completely original idea and definitely not a reference to anything, but did you know that the infamous stage music from Sonic 3’s Ice Cap Zone has been traced back to a previously-unreleased 80’s pop track? Because it has been. And it is amazing.

World’s End

Woo, another story down! This caps off the arc that’s been branching out from Final Quest Saga since way back in July (!).

It also leads us right to the doorstep of the climactic chapter of World 2 – a story we I like to call Another Castle.

Worth noting: I use “World” instead of Book or Chapter to divide up the larger meta-arcs in the strip. (Because video games!) World 1 covered Rog meeting Kevin and becoming a mini-boss; World 2 covers the ~200 strips of Rog’s journeys with the Badnix that followed.

What does it mean for that arc to end? Well, suffice it to say that crazy, game-changing stuff is about to go down. A BELOVED CHARACTER WILL DIE! Or maybe a hated one. Maybe nobody dies. Maybe the dead will rise, I don’t know. We’ll have to read and find out.

Anyway, I’ll probably hold off on starting Another Castle until next week, but I’ll be posting more fun stuff in the interim. Remain vigilant, dear readers!




So, today’s comic (which may or may not involve Arika fusing with the Monopoly man) is basically done, but there is this one killer panel and it’s taking much, much longer to finish than I expected. I’ll see if I can get it posted very late tonight, but more likely it will have to be pushed back to Monday.

Thanks for being patient with the schedule hiccups! These past few months have been pretty crazy for me.