Guest Week!

Need a dose of dark surrealism to cleanse your palette between the bright and guileless pages of Badnix? YOU ARE IN LUCK, DEAR READER.

The creator of the illustrious Job Dog comic saga is filling in for me all this week while I attend to other Weighty Matters.

Your regularly scheduled videogame funny pages will resume next Monday!

– CC

The Fall of Giant Badnix

The story of Rog’s first mission with the Badnix (which technically started all the way back in April!) has come to a close, and so too has my experiment with extra-large comics.

Not everyone was a fan of the new format, which I can understand. They were a great excuse for me to expand on my art, and I think they’ll read well in the archives, but it’s kind of a lot of material to ask people to stop and take in while they’re flicking through their RSS feeds.

Regardless of how you felt about it, I hope you can at least appreciate that I’m constantly trying to make the comic better by pushing myself and trying new things! (Which is the only reason why Badnix no longer consists of Rog and Perry standing around trading lukewarm observations about video games. You’re welcome.)

In any case, I’ll be switching back to the original regular-sized, 3-per-week update schedule of yore for the next story line. I might be taking a week or so off from the comic before then, though, during which time the site will be updated with… something that isn’t the next storyline! Probably something very ridiculous. We’ll find out together, come Monday.

Also, if you want to see more giant-sized Badnix stories in the future, or if you have any other ideas or suggestions, let me know in the Comments section! (It totally exists, guys!) Or shoot me an e-mail! Or commune with me via telepathy or smoke signals, I don’t care. I’d love to hear what people are thinking!

– CC


Until recently, I’d been under the impression that the term “Short Circuit” referred exclusively to a cinematic classic about a humble robot making his way in the fast-paced world of the 1980’s. But no! Apparently it’s also a thing that can happen to computers. Something that did happen, to my computer!

I’ve since nursed the machine back from oblivion, but I’ve been set back a bit. Tomorrow’s comic may be a bit late in coming!

(Also my computer is now sentient and has a penchant for adorable one-liners)


Six Season and a Movie!

Not sure how I failed to mention this already – if you’re in the LA area this weekend, you like art, and you enjoy quality television programs, you could do worse than check out the Six Seasons and a Movie art show!

It’s a tribute to Community, the fantastic television program which has ensnared the hearts of dozens. If you stop by, you might catch a glimpse of the above piece, drawn by yours truly! Also innumerable other pieces about a hundred other incredible artists. (You can ignore those if you want.)

It seems like a really fun event, besides. Check out the press release for more details!