So.. the semi-finals (sponsored by Doomfuel Enerjie dragster prongs) are going to be at least 50% displaced badnix. (Ice World/Ghost World, Beach World/Yurei World). There’s going to be a twist of the knife come the finals isn’t there?
Wait, what if Toxgore is actually Alloy in disguise? That would explain where he went after poison world, acting as a survivor, biding his time before he can try to trap Kevin in another dying world.
Looks like now is a good time to learn a better new trick than this one.
So.. the semi-finals (sponsored by Doomfuel Enerjie dragster prongs) are going to be at least 50% displaced badnix. (Ice World/Ghost World, Beach World/Yurei World). There’s going to be a twist of the knife come the finals isn’t there?
-=Pako “TVtropes Ruin Everything” Pako=-
I’m… confused.
a) The badnix are a specific group, not just enemies.
b) Where’d Yurei World or Ghost World come into this? Isn’t Yuurei just the Japanese word for Ghost, anyway?
c) I don’t remember anything happening to Ice World.
d) I… think just the minus world that was spun off of Beach World was eaten, but I’m not sure.
Isn’t this the guy from the bus station?
It is!
Wait, what if Toxgore is actually Alloy in disguise? That would explain where he went after poison world, acting as a survivor, biding his time before he can try to trap Kevin in another dying world.